Girls Football Camp (@ Frome Town United – 30th May)

Location: Frome Town United, Gorgon Stone Football Fields, Critchill Manor Estate, Frome, Somerset, BA11 4LJ

Time of Session: 9AM – 3PM

How To Book: 

– select the ticket (age group) of your child(ren)

Please do not use Safari as your internet browser when booking this event. We would recommend using google chrome.

Ticket numbers on this event are live.

The session will consist of fun and exciting games and competitions & matches throughout. Whether your child is a football fanatic or wants to take part for the first time, it’s the perfect session for all!

Unless contacted you will have a place booked. Please provide the children with a packed lunch, drink & appropriate clothing for the day along with any medication needed.



SKU: N/A Category:

Terms & Conditions

Please provide the children with a packed lunch, drink & appropriate clothing for the day along with any medication needed.

Additional Information